Cold weather paying it forward week 4 to be thankfull for
This weeks pay it forward was really just the normal cold climate watch out for your neighbor. We got hit by a real nasty cold snap that dipped the themometer way below 0. Everyone had frozen pipes, wet clothese, cars that wouldn’t start, animals that needed protection etc.
The great thing about living in a rural area in Idaho is that it is very much an aguarian society. When one person sneezes everyone brings the chicken soup and kleenex. This week everyone had a sniffle of some sort. The entire community was making sure that their neighbors had wood, propane, horse blankets, extra coats, snow suits, gloves, pipe insulation, heaters. If it had to do with warmth, everyone needed something. A big applause to Idahoans for coming to the aide of their neighbors, so that everyone had something to be thankful for.